Nationaal programma voor het behoud van het papieren erfgoed

Research into paper conservation

Metamorfoze is the national programme for the preservation of the Netherlands’ paper heritage. In the framework of the programme, the National Library provides funding for scientific research into paper conservation. 

Preconditions for application:

The proposal must relate to research into objects or (parts of) collections that preferably:

  • consist mainly of paper or are inextricably linked to it;
  • involve written, drawn and/or printed material;
  • are subject to (accelerated) autonomous and other material decay;
  • are of national interest.
  • The proposal must originate from a Dutch party.
  • The applicant agrees with the publication of the study results by means of publications, symposiums and the websites/newsletters of Bureau Metamorfoze and/or a channel to be designated by the applicant.

Advisory Committee

Metamorfoze Study Advisory Committee exists of external and independent experts , which assesses the content of the project applications made to Metamorfoze Study and issues advice about allocation of funding to the National Library's Director General.

  • The Metamorfoze Study Advisory Committee will decide whether the proposal satisfies or can satisfy on time based on the following conditions:
  • The background, problem definition and importance of the proposed study.
  • The importance of the proposed study and its possible contribution to science.
  • The aim of the proposed study and the research approach used to achieve that aim.
  • The expertise of the researcher(s)/supervisor and the reasons for the composition of the research team. The inclusion of the relevant CV or CVs.
  • The work schedule and organisational structure of the proposed study.
  • The budget for the proposed study.
  • The knowledge and results of the proposed study and the way the results are distributed, used and valorised.

How to apply

Fill in this form if you intend to submit an application to Metamorfoze Study. The aim is to assess the quality of the research proposal and to estimate the complexity of the project. It is an assessment of whether your application satisfies / can satisfy the conditions stipulated in the General Procedure and Conditions.

Results of this form must be submitted to Bureau Metamorfoze at least six weeks before the assessment round. The Metamorfoze Study Advisory Committee meets for an assessment round twice a year. The dates are announced on this website. 

Please send the completed form, including the budget and the CVs  to or to Applicants will receive an (pre)assessment of their proposals within six weeks.