Nationaal programma voor het behoud van het papieren erfgoed


The programme is divided into different sections, being Archives and Special Collections (ABC) and Books, Newspapers and Periodicals (BKT).

Archives that are of national importance can apply for a preservation financing. These may be government, national or private archives. The archives must contain important information on historic events, or developments in the Netherlands, or relations between the Netherlands and other parts of the world. Because of their contents, local and regional archives may also be considered to be of national interest.

The collections that qualify for preservation under the Metamorfoze programme are those that concern the Dutch language, culture and history in the broadest sense of the word. The collections are of national or international importance. They can consist of manuscripts, printed matter or a combination thereof. Because of their ensemble value, collections are usually preserved in their entirety.

General printed materials such as books, newspapers and periodicals are also eligible for preservation.